Diskuzní fórum

Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10/U4
Production & Operational Service

Náhled obálkyDruhý díl speciální série „Lutwaffe Over Czech Territory 1945“. Jeden z hlavních výrobců Messserschmittu Bf 109, Wiener Neustädter Flugzeugwerke a zejména jeho pobočný závod Diana, umístěný v železničních tunelech u Tišnova, vyráběl a dodával známou stíhačku Bf 109 ve variantě G-10/U4 téměř do posledních dnů 2. světové války. Publikace přináší technický popis uvedené varianty, údaje o organizaci výroby v továrně Diana, záletech nových strojů na území Protektorátu a o jejich službě u bojových jednotek i nad českým a slovenským územím. Text doprovází množství fotografií a několik barevných kamuflážních schemat strojů ze stavu ex-II./JG 51, II./JG 52, ex-I./JG 53, 101.vadaszezred a Jagdstaffel ROA, z toho 6 strojů je detailně popsáno na čtyřpohledových výkresech.

Diskuzní fórumMesserschmitt Bf 109G-10/U4 Production & Operational Service

15. 10. 2007, 21:47
Erla G-10=G-10/AS?? In every case??
od: Keith W.
Hello! Is G-??/AS a proper usage? Also, did Erla produce G-10s with DB605D, but retain the unique square covering on port side? Did any company other than Erla produce G10/AS?

Am big fan of your work!!


16. 10. 2007, 22:08
Re: Erla G-10=G-10/AS?? In every case??
od: Tomáš Poruba   pro: Keith W.
Dear Mr. Keith,

thank you for your question and I´ll try to answer you.
The "AS" versions were proper usage and the versions were standards ones.
Erla factory solved engine cover of DB 605D a slightly different, then other producers. Due to, the square panel was on port side. It was only a different solution of engine cover, but an engine was DB 605D.
Officialy, Bf 109G-10 used ONLY DB 605D engine. No G-10/AS existed.
But, it doesn´t mean, any G-10 flew with DB 605AS. The cases are known, but (probably) only like a field modification, e.i. DB 605AS was assembled during some reparation. Still a marking of the plane would be "G-10", because a marking of plane wasn´t changed during a reparation.
We haven´t any original proof about a using the DB 605AS engine in a producing of G-10 version (in Messerschmitt, Erla or WNF factory).
I hope, the answer is enough for you.

Thank you very much too for your kind words about our work. I hope, we will not dissapoint you in a future.

Warmest regards

Tomáš Poruba
30. 10. 2007, 22:10
Re:Re: Erla G-10=G-10/AS?? In every case??
od: Jörg Meincke   pro: Tomáš Poruba
Hello Keith, dear Tomas,

unfortunately I have to disagree. I think there are original proofs about a using the DB 605AS in serial produced Erla G-10. Thanks to Mr. D'Amico (my dear friend) we know from allied aircraft wreck reports where reported the W.Nr.'s and the engines --- W.Nr.491 322, 491 323 and 491 325 had AS - engines. All a/c's had the same date of acceptance by BAL and the factory had the possibility to use AS-engines because they had some engines from the former G-14/AS production. It's high unlikely that these a/c's with the W.Nr.'s step by step got the engines in a repair centre. Of course - and here you are right - an official "G-10/AS" never existed. I'd guess the using of this designation in loss lists indicate one of the some real Erla produced G-10 with AS engine.

Best wishes
Jörg Meincke
2. 11. 2007, 18:42
Re:Re:Re: Erla G-10=G-10/AS?? In every case??
od: Tomáš Poruba   pro: Jörg Meincke
Hello Jorg and Keith,

I have to thank Jorg about the information. It is fine, we know about a replaceing of required DB 605D engine by DB 605AS directly in factory. Of course, it would be fine to know, whether the engines were on the planes during BAL procedure...
Maybe, the replaceing was more often, than we can imagine, but we need more proofs about it.
I know Bf 109G-10s from WNF producing with AS engines - W.Nr. 770264 and 770350 both used DB 605ASM engine. It is interesting, both of them are from 77xxxx batch, determinate to a reccon modification G-10/R2... Both served in 2./NAG 12 in the end of war.
There are a lot of datas for research in the topic...

Warmest regards

Tomáš Poruba
9. 2. 2013, 21:46
Re: … Re: Erla G-10=G-10/AS?? In every case??
od: Krzysztof   pro: Tomáš Poruba
Last Year my team from POMORZE1945 have found in the forest near Stettin (Pommern) place where was crashed pilot Gunter Rabeler from Stab I , 2./JG3 on Bf109G10 made by ERLA (it was confirmed on base orginal technical data plate - Hersteller: mcu - Erla Leipzig) a/c was with Werk Nr.: 490 362 so I think aircraft was made in period: October-November 1944- it was first serie 490 000 - 490 399 .
We have found also technical data plat from Gearbox this aircraft with following data:

Gerät-Nr.: 9-13005 C-7
Änderungen : 11
Werk Nr.: 11029
Herstelle: bm

where "bm"- mean:
bm - AEG-Allgemeine Elektrizitaets-Gesellschaft, Abeteilung Zaehlerfabrik, Berlin


It looks like this detail:

Is it possible on base this gearbox agree type of DB605 xx ?????

Another question by the way - how could be painted this aircraft - have you photos for a/c from this serie ?

Thanks in advance for answer.


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