Diskuzní fórum

Focke-Wulf Fw 190D
camouflage & markings, Part II

Náhled obálkyDruhá část publikace je formou zpracování shodná s částí první. Obsahově těsně navazuje na část I detailním popisem variant zbarvení strojů od ostatních výrobců typu, tj. Fw 190D-9 a D-13 z produkce Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weserflug (Arb. Roland), Mimettal Erfurt a Fieseler Kassel. Zvláštní kapitola je věnována příkladům vlivu oprav na vzhled letadla a také příklady zbarvení strojů jednotlivých jednotek ve stejném čase.
Ze zavedené formy vybočuje „bonusová“ část s historií vývoje Fw 190D s motory Daimler-Benz DB 603, včetně popisu plánovaných variant Fw 190D-14 a D-15.
Vše doplněno jako obvykle množstvím originálních dokumentů, černobílých i barevných fotografií, schemat a barevných bokorysů.
Vhodné zejména pro modeláře a příznivce letounu Fw 190.

Diskuzní fórumFocke-Wulf Fw 190D camouflage & markings, Part II

1. 11. 2007, 23:48
Focke-Wulf Fw 190D camo & marking Vol II
od: Mike
Hello Eric, any update on the release of Volume II? all the best Mike. I guess I should have asked on release to the States!
2. 11. 2007, 11:51
Re: Focke-Wulf Fw 190D camo & marking Vol II
od: Marc   pro: Mike
Hi Mike,

Thank you very much for your interest in our D-9 book. As we speak, the first batches of Vol. II are being shipped to JaPo's distributors, so the book should become available within a matter of days. It will definitely be on sale at the UK IPMS National Convention at Telford, 10-11 November 2007, where Tomas, Eric and I will be signing books at the Aviation Bookshop stand. We are looking forward to meeting any fellow enthusiast / researcher for some interesting discussions.

Please drop us a line at this Board with your impressions on Vol. II - your comments, suggestions and ideas for further improvement are most welcome.

All the best,

3. 11. 2007, 0:47
Re:Re: Focke-Wulf Fw 190D camo & marking Vol II
od: Mike   pro: Marc
Thanks Marc,I am sure it will do great! all the best...Mike.
15. 11. 2007, 23:03
Re:Re:Re: Focke-Wulf Fw 190D camo & marking Vol II
od: Mike   pro: Mike
Hello again Marc! Your team has done it again! Outstanding job! also the Great news of a further Volume 3!...Wow!! For an Aircraft that I thought was long neglected for published works, now is truly a great time! for Focke Wulf Fans...Can you give any hint on what Volume 3 might hold? D-15 onto TA-152 C / H Series Birds???........Cheers and all the Best! Mike.
18. 11. 2007, 11:51
Re: … Re: Focke-Wulf Fw 190D camo & marking Vol II
od: Marc   pro: Mike
Hi Mike,

All the information on Vol. III is in the back of Vol. II.
It will deal with the industrial sub-manufacturing processes (since those can lead to further, and even more detailed identification of single aircraft); any new D-9s that we may have identified in the meantime; updating of Vols. I and II if we have substantial new material of the aircrraft that were described there; a highly detailed description (with colour chart) of late-war Luftwaffe paints that were discovered earlier this year in the Czech Republic, etc.

If we find new material on the D-15, it will of course be added too. As regards the Ta 152-series, we would definitely want to give it the same treatment as the D-9, but it will not be in Vol. III as we want to keep both series separated.

All the best,


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