
Soviet Air Force over Czechoslovakia 1968-1991
Part I

Cover previewThe title maps more than 20 years of Soviet Army or more precisely its Air Force stay in former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
The first part deals with the aerial part of Operation “Danube”, i.e. invasion of Warszaw Pact’s armies in the Czechoslovakia in August 1968 and with the formation of Soviet Central Group of Forces and its air units in Czechoslovakia in the beginning of 70’s. Air units are presented in a brief form especially their equipment and armament.
The text part is accompanied by deployment tables from several time periods and by number of photographs from invasion in August 1968 and from 70’s and 80’s.
Highly recommended for all students of modern Soviet aerial warfare in Central Europe during the Cold War and modellers.

Discussion forumSoviet Air Force over Czechoslovakia 1968-1991, Part I

TopicAuthorRepliesLast post
FEEDBACK: Mistakes and incorrectnesses of this book.JaPo publishing0
Skvělé pro modelářeStanislav Hanousek06. 11. 2020, 17:34Stanislav Hanousek
Part II.Jiří Matoušek028. 7. 2012, 11:39Jiří Matoušek
Informace k vydání Part II publikace Jiří Klíma127. 9. 2010, 14:10Jiří Klíma
Kde máte ten slíbený český text?!Zatřepálek131. 7. 2008, 21:33Aleš Hottmar

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